Web socket remote debugging


Write places of encryption salt into documentation (wiki)

Sebastian Bejga hace 13 años 0

 I would suggest to write into the documentation (in this case the wiki) where the enryption salt strings are located.

Because I took the string "Ch4ng3^M3" literally and changed it to a secure string of mine. But i changed only in server and validation script and wondered then why it does not work. Messed up by reverse engineering (writing console.logs into the server.js and so on...) until I found the salt again in client/js/lib/socketbug_console.js...

Just a suggestion if there exists more encryption_salt_changer except me ;-)



SwitzerBaden hace 11 años 0

The server will also need to have openSSL installed:

sudo apt-get install libssl0.9.8

Also install the development package:

sudo apt-get install libssl-dev


Add ability to Change Debug Log Level from Console

Manifest Interactive hace 13 años 0
It would be handy to have a way to change the Debug Log Level from the console rather than having to update the javascript and have to refresh the page.  This could go in the settings bar at the top.  Have a drop down list with maybe the options of:

Debug Level Select List:  
 * 5 = log, debug, info, warn, & error
 * 4 = debug, info, warn, & error
 * 3 = info, warn, & error
 * 2 = warn, & error
 * 1 = error

Add support for running under named pipes (i.e using iisnode on windows)

Ted P hace 12 años 0
I can't get socketbug to run when using iisnode on windows & iis 7, since one has to specify a port number in the configuration for socketbug, but using iisnode the port will actually be a named pipe ("\.\pipe\b2b4cb8c-7564-4408-80f5-3ba5f5809541"), this is accessed through the use of "process.env.PORT".

style on <body> broken in Opera

Mike Taylor hace 13 años actualizado por Manifest Interactive hace 13 años 2

This is due to a bug in jQuery 1.6.1... 1.6.2 was just released last week with a fix. Would you mind upgrading? It's kind of hard to read the page... :(



Add log level to console output history

John Kramlich hace 13 años actualizado por Manifest Interactive hace 13 años 1
Add a class name to each item in the console output history denoting the log level of that item.  This would allow filtering of the history by log level similar to Firebug; All, error, debug, etc.

Screencasting tool

klojniewski hace 13 años actualizado por Manifest Interactive hace 13 años 1

Nice screencast, please tell me what software did you used.


Messages to Specific Client, All in Application, or All in Group

Manifest Interactive hace 13 años 0
Allow Messages to be sent to Specific Client, All Client in Application, or All Clients in Group.

Here is some info on how to better target messages.


Start/Stop Socketbug

manny_v hace 12 años actualizado por Manifest Interactive hace 12 años 1

I just started using socketbug and I'm trying to figure out how to run the provided bash files socketbug_start.sh and socketbug_stop.sh. I have to say that I'm a complete newbie in this field and don't have a lot experience with using terminal commands. Can somebody also explain to me what's the difference between running socketbug via "node socketbug_server.js" instead of the bash files? 

Thanks a lot!


Output of socketbug.debug()

Finn Herzfeld hace 13 años 0
It seems that socketbug.debug("derp",1) should show up in in console, but it doesn't. I can see in the real browser console that it says it's being sent, but it doesn't show up in the SocketBug console. Am I doing something wrong?